Application template for marketing
Annex No. 1 to Contract No. 310821
for information services in contextual advertising systems
St. Petersburg, 31.08.2021.
LTD. "_______________" hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", in the person of _______________________ acting on the basis of the charter on the one hand, and Individual entrepreneur Balandin Vitaly Nikolaevich, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Balandin Vitaly Nikolaevich, acting on the basis of a certificate of registration as Individual Entrepreneur MRSN 316784700320098, on the other hand, jointly referred to as the "Parties", and each separately as the "Party", have concluded this Annex No. 1 to Contract No. 310821 of 02.09.2021, hereinafter referred to as the "Application", about the following:
The Contractor on the Customer's instructions, provides services for the placement of text information blocks in Yandex contextual advertising systems.Direct, Google Ads and banners in Advertising Networks Yandex (Hereinafter ANY) and the Context of media network Google (Hereafter CMNG)
1.2 Procedure for rendering the service
The Contractor prepares a media plan for an advertising campaign and issues an invoice to the Customer to pay for the placement of text information blocks in contextual advertising systems:
Yandex.Direct on the customer's account: ___________;
Google Adwords with ID: _________________.
The Contractor carries out work on setting up an advertising campaign within 15 (five) working days from the moment of signing contract No. 310821.
The setup works include:
1.3 Period of service provision and cost
for information services in contextual advertising systems
St. Petersburg, 31.08.2021.
LTD. "_______________" hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", in the person of _______________________ acting on the basis of the charter on the one hand, and Individual entrepreneur Balandin Vitaly Nikolaevich, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by Balandin Vitaly Nikolaevich, acting on the basis of a certificate of registration as Individual Entrepreneur MRSN 316784700320098, on the other hand, jointly referred to as the "Parties", and each separately as the "Party", have concluded this Annex No. 1 to Contract No. 310821 of 02.09.2021, hereinafter referred to as the "Application", about the following:
- The composition of the application
The Contractor on the Customer's instructions, provides services for the placement of text information blocks in Yandex contextual advertising systems.Direct, Google Ads and banners in Advertising Networks Yandex (Hereinafter ANY) and the Context of media network Google (Hereafter CMNG)
1.2 Procedure for rendering the service
The Contractor prepares a media plan for an advertising campaign and issues an invoice to the Customer to pay for the placement of text information blocks in contextual advertising systems:
Yandex.Direct on the customer's account: ___________;
Google Adwords with ID: _________________.
The Contractor carries out work on setting up an advertising campaign within 15 (five) working days from the moment of signing contract No. 310821.
The setup works include:
- Preparing a list of keywords;
- Preparing a list of negative keywords;
- Creating technical tasks for a copywriter and programmer;
- Making ads;
- Selecting Landing pages;
- Targeting Settings;
- Choosing an advertising campaign strategy;
- Preparation of technical specifications for connecting analytics systems;
- Creating graphic materials for ads.
- SEO site Analysis
- Creating a technical specification to eliminate errors on the site
- Creating a technical specification for website optimization
- Error correction and filling in:
Yandex Webmaster
Google Search Console
Yandex Directory
Google My Business - The Contractor carries out work on the management of the advertising campaign, namely:
- managing the conversion rates for Ad blocks;
- constant monitoring of the progress of the advertising campaign;
- submission of the final report within 3 (three) working days after completion of all work on the project;
- post-click analysis - preparation of recommendations for improving the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.
1.3 Period of service provision and cost
- Advertising campaigns must be carried out by the Contractor on the site ____________
- The cost of the Contractor's services for conducting an advertising campaign in Yandex contextual advertising systems of Yandex. Direct, Google AdWords and banner placement in ANY and CMNG is 65,000 (sixty-five thousand) rubles 00 (zero) kopecks.
- The period of advertising campaigns is from 02.09.2021 to 02.10.2021
- Payment is made by the Customer in 2 stages within 3 (three) working days after the invoice is issued. The 1st stage is paid in the amount of 30,000 (thirty thousand) rubles, the 2nd stage in the amount of 35,000 (thirty-five thousand) rubles
- The Contractor's services are not subject to VAT (according to Chapter 26.2 “Simplified taxation System” of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).
CUSTOMER: | Contractor: | ||
| Individual entrepreneur Balandin V.N. Balandin V. N. ______________________________ |